Your Weekend Worldview Reader

Happy Thanksgiving Weekend. This will be the last Weekend Worldview Reader until after the first of the year. Have a great Christmas! Pardon the shameless plug: if you’re looking for stocking stuffer ideas for your kids you might check out my worldview novellas for younger readers: The Owlings.

Here’s links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.




⊕  The Worldview of Moana


⊕  Growing Generosity in Your Kids at Christmas (Michael Hyatt)

⊕  The Lessons of Henry Kissinger (The Atlantic, Jeffrey Goldberg)

⊕  Does Decision-Making Matter? (New York Times, David Brooks)

⊕  Is Homemaking the Church’s New Idol? (BreakPoint, Rachel McMilan)

⊕  Godless Thanksgiving: Do Atheists Have Anyone to Thank? (About Religion, Austin Cline)


⊕  The Kingdom of Speech (Little, Brown and Company: Tom Wolfe)

∴ Review: Books & Culture