Your Weekend Worldview Reader

Here’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.



⊕  Five Reasons Christians Shouldn’t Be Cynical 

⊕  Living Outside of Eden (Moody Radio)


⊕  Researchers: Faith Helps Mass Shooting Survivors (Kate Shellnutt and Rebecca Randall, Christianity Today)

⊕  How to Teach Boys to Respect Women (Russell Moore)

⊕  Karen and Roy Prior: Living the Dream (Rebecca Olsen, Odyssey)

⊕  Hijab Protests Expose Iran’s Core Divide (Robin Wright, The New Yorker)

⊕  I Am Not Disgusting. I Am Not Alone. I Am Redeemed. (Jay Harrison, Living Out)

⊕  Is It Okay for the State to Take Your Child Away Because You Won’t Affirm His Transgender Feelings? (Denny Burk) Researchers: Faith Helps Mass Shooting Survivors



⊕  Reframing Foster Care: Filtering Your Foster Parenting Journey Through the Lens of the Gospel  by Jason Johnson (Credo House Publishers, 2018)
