Your Weekend Worldview Reader
⊕  The Evangelical Church is Sick in the Head
⊕  Theology for Children (Moody Radio)
⊕  Waiting for a Super Hero
⊕  Five Reasons I Believe the Bible
⊕  ABC’s Journeys of Faith Podcast with Paula Faris
⊕  Where to Find Hope and Help amid the Sexual Revolution (Sam Allberry, The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  Atheists like Sam Harris say that the Bible Advocates Chattel Slavery (Erik Manning,
⊕  Martin Luther King Was Fearful, But the Bible Made Him Brave (Richard Clark, Christianity Today)
⊕  Sen. Paul Says He Spoke to Trump About Securing Asylum for Pakistani Christian Woman (Alena Sadiq, Politico)
⊕  Generation Z Is The Most Racially And Ethnically Diverse Yet (Hansi Lo Wang, NPR)
⊕  Tax On Churches Looms, ERLC Coalition Urges Repeal (Tom Strode, Baptist Press)
⊕  Cultural Winsomeness Will Not Be Enough for Christians (Andrew Walker, ERLC)
⊕  3 Beliefs Some Progressive Christians and Atheists Share (Alisa Childers, The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  Apologetics at the Cross: An Introduction for Christian Witness by Joshua Chatraw and Mark Allen (Zondervan, 2018)