
Our thoughts and memories

February 13, 2019

Chris Pratt’s Conversion & a Call to Pray

oe Church in Los Angeles is Chris Pratt’s home church, where he attends along with his fiancée, Katherine Schwarzenegger, daughter of famous...

February 11, 2019

Redemptive History as Apologetics

fter explaining the origin of the universe and of humanity and sin, the Bible provides an account of God’s redemptive work...

February 10, 2019

Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ere’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important...

February 7, 2019

The Genesis of Apologetics

he late agnostic scientist Stephen J. Gould thought that religion and science speak of, to, and from separate domains. He described...

February 2, 2019

Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ere’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important...

January 25, 2019

Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ere’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important...

January 12, 2019

Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ere’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important...

January 12, 2019

Sunny Side Up: The Breakfast Conversation That Could Change Your Life (Launch Team)

an you remember a time in your Christian life when you were closer to Jesus than you are now? Maybe you...