Creative Portfolio


I’ve written in a lot of genres. My first book for adults, published in 2014, was a finalist for “best new author of the year” at the Christian Book Awards. My first children’s book won two national awards. In addition to book publishing, I’ve written a number of articles for different publications, led public relations teams in developing releases, and helped shape copy for marketing assets.


⊕  Amazon Author Page

Longform Articles: 

⊕  C.S. Lewis Was a Grinch (Christianity Today, 2019)

⊕  The Man Who Was Doodling (Originally Published With Touchstone Magazine)

⊕  Into the Wild (Tabletalk Magazine)

Blog Posts:

⊕  Jesus is the Question

⊕  Google Maps, Mater, and Proverbs

⊕  On Deconstruction: The Tale of Two Brothers

⊕  Between a Hamster and a Hard Place

Short Product Descriptions:

The best place to see a lot of short copy I’ve written is on my Etsty Shop here where I sell prints and branded items from my artwork.

Recent Book Project:

I worked with a consulting firm based out of Fresno, California, to help a philanthropist capture a memoir and summary of his life and investing principles. I served as the primary author for the book taking his notes and expanding them to a conversational format. I also designed the book cover and interior layout. Finally, I was responsible for publishing the book on Amazon. The title is Maximize Your Impact: Inspired by the Life and Teaching of John Nugier.


Adobe Creative Suite is a my happy place. I’ve always loved to design both professionally and as a personal hobby. Hopefully you can get a feel for my design on my website and in the video in the next section. Here are a number of images I designed for a recent event I led on the campus of the university where I teach. The last image is a book cover I designed for The Good Book Company based out of London, England, for a book I wrote. My cover design was one of three designs their creative team considered from three different artists. They voted on the covers without knowing which artists submitted which design, and mine was selected. Needless to say, it was a pretty cool honor to be able to have my art on my book.

Sunny Side Up: The Breakfast Conversation That Could Change Your Life: Dan DeWitt: 9781784982942: Books


I always gravitate towards the creative team at every organization where I’ve served. Where I teach now, I regularly get involved in design and copywriting with our marcom office. Before moving to Ohio, I served at Southern Seminary in a number of roles over eleven years. I was promoted to Vice President for Communications and Public Relations⁠—in the middle of that time—where I led the school through a complete rebrand for their 150th anniversary. The following video highlights some of the print and video assets our department made during that time.

I also thought I would include a couple videos from my time in that role. The first is an example of our content marketing where we began repackaging material from professors’ classes in short videos. I’m the one doing the sketching and voice over in the first video. The second video was a part of a social campaign we made to promote one of our programs. I’m sketching in the video and for the voice over we used a professor who taught in that program.

 Thanks for letting me share!