Your Weekend Worldview Reader
Want to better understand the Christian worldview? Check out the four-part video study based on my new book Christ or Chaos. It’s like a worldview analysis crash course. You can download the study here. It’s available for use with small groups or for a discounted rate for individual use. The kit includes four teaching sessions, an outline of the material covered, discussion questions, and more.
Here’s your weekend worldview reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.
⊕  The Faith of Christopher Hitchens
⊕  The Elephant in the Room
⊕  Batman v. Superman & the Problem of Evil
⊕  Plausible Arguments, Deceptive Philosophy, & the Gospel
⊕  Why Mere Christianity Won’t Go Out of Style (Posted at The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  Can we trust robots to make moral decisions?, Quartz (Olivia Goldhill)
⊕  Why a Christian Anthropology Matters for Liberty and Love, Letters to the Exiles (Charlie Self)
⊕  Christian Thinkers 101: A Crash Course on C. S. Lewis, Reasons (Kenneth Samples)
⊕  The Darkness of Porn and the Hope of the Gospel, (Denny Burk)
⊕  The ages of distraction, Aeon (Frank Furedi)
⊕  Kierkegaard and the Paradox of Religious Diversity, George B. Connell
∴ Review: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews
⊕  You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit, James K.A. Smith
∴ Review: Reformedish