Your Weekend Worldview Reader
Drink Theolatte: Good Folks Coffee Company is now roasting a special blend of coffee chosen for its nutty and chocolaty tones. Branded with a Theolatte label featuring a quote from G.K. Chesterton, this is twelve ounces of caffeinated goodness ready for your enjoyment. My good friend Zach, the master roaster at Good Folks Coffee, will make sure your bag of freshly roasted “Theolatte Blend” meets and exceeds your coffee expectations. Buy Theolatte Blend here.
Here’s your weekend worldview reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.
⊕  What C.S. Lewis Teaches Us About Losing Faith & Finding It Again (Posted at Relevant Magazine)
⊕  Is the Universe Real?
⊕  The Dragon in the Sea
⊕  Five Unsung Heroes in the Life of C.S. Lewis
⊕  Biblical Apologetics & Public Christianity
⊕  Should Courts Get to Define Religion?, The Atlantic (Michael O’Loughlin)
⊕  Stop Saying ‘I Feel Like’, New York Times (Molly Worthen)
⊕  Humanists push for a National Day of Reason, Religion News Service (Kimberly Winston)
⊕  The Lorax and Literature’s Moral Obligation, The Atlantic (Joe Fassler)
⊕  The Most Powerful Apologetic Tool in the World, Desiring God (Jon Bloom)
⊕  Unparalleled: How Christianity’s Uniqueness Makes It Compelling, Jared Wilson
⊕  Conscience: What It Is, How to Train It, and Loving Those Who Differ, Andrew Naselli and J.D. Crowley