Your Weekend Worldview Reader
⊕  Civil Discourse and the Way of Jesus
⊕  Martin Luther’s Reformational Vision for Youth Ministry
⊕  The Devil’s Day
⊕  69-year-old Dutchman starts legal bid to become 20 years younger (Tara John, CNN)
⊕  Four Ways to Raise Kids to Love Jesus (Mary C. Wiley, ERLC)
⊕  Why I Had to Rewrite My Book on Leadership (Timothy Paul Jones)
⊕  Tim Keller: It Takes a Lot of Faith to Imagine Humanistic Values Can Arise from an Impersonal Universe (The Poached Egg)
⊕  Why Cellphones and Sleepovers Are Such a Bad Mix: And What Parents Can Do About It (Beth Swanson, The Washington Post)
⊕  Gender Dysphoria and Children: An Endocrinologist’s Evaluation of I am Jazz (Michael K. Laidlaw, The Public Discourse)
⊕  So Is Living Together Before Marriage Linked to Divorce or What? Why Researchers Can’t Agree After Decades of Studies (Ashley Fetters, The Atlantic)
⊕ Moral Apologetics for Contemporary Christians: Pushing Back Against Cultural and Religious Critics by Mark Coppenger (B&H, 2018)