Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ERE’S Your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST). 



⊕  Our Bloody Bible

⊕  Mansion or Mission?


⊕  Black History is Family History (Jennifer Grisham, Logos Talk)

⊕  The Core Problem with Genetic Engineering (Gene Edward Veith, Jr., Crossway)

⊕  Will the 2020’s be the Decade of Eugenics? (Sarah Jones, The Intelligencer)

⊕  How Beauty Could Help Solve the Housing Crisis (Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review)

⊕  Humanist Ceremonies: Meaningful Non-Religious Ceremonies (

⊕  Super Bowl Halftime Show Should Have Come With a Parental Warning (Gil Smart, USA Today)

⊕  For Many, a College Degree is a Bad Investment (Richard Vedder, Forbes)

⊕  On Behalf of Ireland’s Unborn (John Waters, First Things)

⊕  I’m a Pro-Life Democrat and Here’s Why I Won’t Leave My Party (Kristen Day, The Federalist)

⊕  Christian Realism: An Introduction (Daniel Strand, Providence Magazine)

⊕  Fifteen Children’s Books About Cancer to Help Them Cope (Kate Auletta, HuffPost)

⊕  SBC Responds to Allegations Regarding Critical Race Theory (Baptist Press)

⊕  Seven Points of Clarification (Dr. Carl Ellis, Jr.)



Pollution and the Death of Man by Francis Schaeffer and Udo W. Middelmann (Crossway Reprint, 2011)

