Your Weekend Worldview Reader

ERE’S Your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST).



⊕  Is Christianity Good?

⊕  Is Christianity Rational? 

⊕  Is Christianity True?


⊕  Christianity Offers No Answers About the Coronavirus. It’s Not Supposed To (N.T. Wright, Time Magazine)

⊕  The God Who Hears Our Laments (Derek Rishmawy, Mere Orthodoxy)

⊕  De Blasio “Very Concerned” About Anti-Gay Evangelical Group Running Central Park Coronavirus Hospital (Jake Offenhartz, Gothamist)

⊕  You are the World: Are Your Decisions Made by Your Brain, or Via the Experience of the World Relative to Your Body? A Dialogue on Consciousness (Tim Parks, Aeon Magazine)

⊕  Consciousness and Fine-Tuning (Chris Reese, Worldview Bulletin)

⊕  Six Ways You Can Pray for Medical Providers (Scott James, ERLC)

⊕  Bloom Where You’re Quarantined (Clarissa Moll, Christianity Today)

⊕  Why You Should Ignore All That Coronavirus-Inspired Productivity Pressure (Aisha S. Ahmad, The Chronicle of Higher Education)

⊕  China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, U.S. Intelligence Says (Nick Wadhams and Jennifer Jacobs, Bloomberg)

⊕  The Well-Trained Theologian: Essential Texts for Retrieving Classical Christian Theology (Matthew Barrett, Credo)






