Your Weekend Worldview Reader
ERE’S Your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. During the summer months I will post these bi-weekly, as I will be joining Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST) on the first & third Fridays of the month to talk about what is going on in the world of worldview.
⊕  Google Maps, Mater, and Proverbs
⊕ Route 66 (Complete Bible Survey Guide)
⊕  In Historic Election, SBC Executive Committee Elects First African American Chair (Diana Chandler, Baptist Press)
⊕  George Floyd and Me (Shai Linne, The Gospel Coalition)
⊕  The Hidden Figures of the Church (Kathryn Freeman, Christianity Today)
⊕  Juneteenth: Something We Can All Commemorate (John Stonestreet and David Carlson, BreakPoint)
⊕  Three Simple Ways to Begin Studying Theology (Mary Wiley, LifeWay Voices)
⊕  Crosses, Flags, Arches *on the death of Ronald McDonald* (Liz Duck-Chong, Meanjin Quarterly)
⊕  The Story Has Gotten Away From Us (Betsy Morais and Alexandria Neason, Columbia Journalism Review)
A Gentle Answer: Our “Secret Weapon” in An Age of Us Against Them by Scott Sauls (Thomas Nelson, 2020)