Ireland and England 2023

gray stone on green grass

Join SBU President Dr. Rick Melson on a trip to Ireland and England this summer. You’ll explore Dublin’s National Museum of Archeology with an extensive amount of religious artefacts related to the pre-Christian world of Ireland before the missionary efforts of Saint Patrick. You’ll view the infamous Book of Kells at Trinity College. You’ll explore the park and lamppost that inspired C.S. Lewis’s Narnia. And that’s all before you fly from Belfast to London!

brown concrete building during daytime

In London you’ll walk the street infamous for it’s position as the literary capital of the world, Fleet Street, and trace the footsteps of John Milton, Charles Dickens, and G.K. Chesterton. In Oxford, you’ll have the opportunity to tour C.S. Lewis’s adult home and stroll the path where he and J.R.R. Tolkien discussed faith in God before Lewis converted to Christianity. The trip offers a mixture of church history, literary legacy, and inspiration for a lasting gospel impact.

The dates for the trip at May 25th through June 3rd. The cost is all-inclusive for around $4,000. There are independent study options available for a discounted tuition price for students interested in earning summer credit. A link to a detailed itinerary and registration options will be added soon. For more information about the trip, please email