Your Weekend Worldview Reader

Here’s your weekend worldview reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.




⊕  The Greatest: Pluralism in the Boxing Ring

⊕  Diminished Attendance for Reason Rally


⊕  The Myth of Moral Superiority, Gospel Coalition (Jen Pollock Michel)

⊕  The Atheism Gap, Bloomberg (Stephen Carter)

⊕  Regret Is the Price of Free Will, The Atlantic (Julie Beck)

⊕  There’s No Such Thing as Free Will, The Atlantic (Stephen Cave)

⊕  75 Years Ago Tonight: C.S. Lewis Delivers a Sermon in Oxford on “The Weight of Glory”, Gospel Coalition (Justin Taylor)


⊕  Unshakable: Standing Firm in a Shifting Culture, K. Scott Oliphint and Rod Mays

⊕  Understanding the Faith: A Survey of Christian Apologetics, Jeff Myers
