The Worldview Reader

Here’s Your Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST).


⊕  C.S. Lewis on Mixing Faith & Politics

⊕  Understanding Undulation

⊕  Your Own Personal Jesus


How Superman Became a Christ-Like Figure in American Culture (Roy Schwartz, Literary Hub)

  Eight Things You Might Not Know About Superman (The History Channel)

⊕  Why Does Contact Say So Much About God? (Jaime Green, The Atlantic)

⊕  Is There Life Elsewhere, and Where Did it Come From? (The New York Times)

⊕ Why Some Cosmologists Have Found the Big Bang Offensive (Marcelo Gleiser, The Big Think)

 Pope Presents Shards from Cross of Christ for King Charles’ Coronation (Reuters)

⊕  The Sage & His Foibles (James Ronn, Aeon Magazine)





The Evangelical Imagination: How Stories, Images & Metaphors Created a Culture in Crisis by Karen Swallow Prior (Brazos Press, 2023)