Your Weekend Worldview Reader
Here’s your Weekend Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, and videos that I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview perspective. Any work that I point to is not an endorsement, but rather an invitation for you to think deeply about your faith and the world around you.
⊕  Hip Hop Homilies: Supreme
⊕  JFK on Religious Liberty
⊕  Where People Live in the U.S.: America Sees Unexpected Population Growth in Some Small Towns (Cristina Silva, Newsweek)
⊕  Jean Vanier’s World of Love and Kindness (Mary Wakefield, The Spectator)
⊕  The Erie Canal and the Birth of American Religion (S. Brent Rodriguez Plate, Religion News Service)
⊕  Three Patriotic Books to Read This Summer (John Zmirak, The Stream)
⊕  Same Sex Relationships: Should We Just Agree to Disagree (Sam Allberry, The Good Book Company)
⊕  The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro: A Speech by Frederick Douglass (Jemar Tisby, Reformed African American Network)
⊕  Government Bans Prayer to God, Replaces With Thanks to Nature (Clair Chretien, Life Site)
⊕  Parents Do Have a Favorite Child (Jennifer Breheny Wallace, The Wall Street Journal)
⊕  Patriotism and the Gospel in American Churches (Jimmy Scroggins, ERLC)
⊕  The “Evolution Is as Real as Gravity” Talking Point (David Klinghoffer, Evolution News)
⊕  Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out by Alvin L. Reid (B&H Academic, 2017)