The Worldview Reader

Here’s Your Worldview Reader with links to articles, essays, reviews, & videos I consider to be interesting or important from a biblical worldview. Join me on the first & third Friday every month as I discuss topics from the post with Carmen LaBerge on My Faith Radio around 7:40AM (EST).


⊕  Preparing for the Blues

⊕  A Nobel Devotion & a Darn Good Movie

⊕  Screwtape as a Devilish Remix of Proverbs

⊕  Tolkien, a Cave, and a Lost Manuscript


⊕  The Theological Foundations of Natural Science: Why the Christian Worldview is the Foundation of the Method and Spirit of Science. (Shao Kai Tseng, Christianity Today)

⊕  What Kind of Man Was Anthony Bourdain? (Ben Rhodes, The Atlantic)

⊕  Moral Mathematics (Elad Uzan , Aeon Magazine)

  How To Create a Sense of Belonging In a Divided America (Geoffrey L. Cohen, Time Magazine)

⊕  The Enduring Metal Genius of Metallica: On the Road With the Band in its Forty-First Year. (Amanda Petrusich, The New Yorker)





The Screwtape Letters Study Guide by Alan Vermilye (2015)